Developers Episodes

Dec. 23, 2021

Blended teams: customer and partner co-development

#107. What would you do if you ran a Microsoft partner business and your customer wanted to stack your scrum their with their developers? This is the story of Selina who runs Gotham Heroes. Her customer, Bruce at Gotham Orpha...
Nov. 19, 2021

Should You Assign Stories to Developers in Sprint Planning?

#104. Should we assign items to a developer during sprint planning? Some of my scrum teams building Dynamics 365 and Power Platform applications assign sprint backlog items to a named developer during the sprint planning even...
Feb. 8, 2021

Can a Scrum Team Have Just One Developer?

#71. Daniel Kerridge says, "I'm the only developer in my team so I just wondered if there's a special version of Scrum that works in that scenario." There are three sets of accountabilities in the scrum team: the product owne...
Nov. 30, 2020

What Does the Scrum Guide 2020 Mean For Us?

#65. Neil discusses the five most important changes in Scrum Guide 2020 for Microsoft Power Platform and Dynamics 365 teams: It's less strict and less about software One team (except when there're multiple teams) Commitments...
July 3, 2019

How Much Have You Customised Dynamics 365?

#32. Have you ever been asked: "How much have you customised Dynamics 365?" "Is our CRM system customised more or less than average?" "Have we customised our system too much?" I've heard this question lots of times from IT le...
April 22, 2019

Reading Your Answers at the Daily Scrum

#25. Neil is attempting a little experiment with a short, single question episode on the Amazing Applications podcast and on Youtube . Let’s see if he can answer your questions about Scrum for Dynamics 365 in ten minutes or l...
April 22, 2019

Scrum Role Antipatterns

#24. Neil covers his top 10 antipatterns for Scrum roles in Dynamics 365 projects. An antipattern looks like a good idea to a situation you were facing but wasn’t the best option when you look back on it. Antipatterns are tra...
April 4, 2019

Optimising Scrum Teams

#19. We’re on a mission to ensure every Microsoft customer and partner successfully implements Dynamics 365 using the Scrum framework. Do you have a question for the Scrum Dynamics podcast? Visit and click on th...
April 1, 2019

The Development Team

#6. Neil and Dermot discuss the development team in a Scrum project implementing Dynamics 365. Covered in this show: The role of the development team in a Scrum project What it means to be cross-functional and self-organizing...