Sprint Planning Episodes

Nov. 19, 2021

Should You Assign Stories to Developers in Sprint Planning?

#104. Should we assign items to a developer during sprint planning? Some of my scrum teams building Dynamics 365 and Power Platform applications assign sprint backlog items to a named developer during the sprint planning even...
April 8, 2019

Scrum Event Antipatterns

#22. Some ideas turn out to be great ideas. Some ideas look like great ideas at the time but don't turn out so well in hindsight. Those are antipatterns. A pattern is a repeatable idea that solves a common problem, and should...
April 3, 2019

Sprint Planning

#13. Neil covers all aspects of sprint planning for Dynamics 365 projects: What is sprint planning and when does it take place? Who attends sprint planning, and what to do if the product owner can’t make it? How long is sprin...