Power Apps Episodes

May 4, 2020

Prototyping Power Apps with Clément Olivier

#48. My guest is Clément Olivier from Javista in Nantes, France. Clément was recently awarded a Power Platform FastTrack Recognized Solution Architect designation. He was one of 8 first-time Power Apps architects and 5 Power ...
April 17, 2020

When to Use Scrum for Microsoft Business Apps

#47. Is Scrum the best approach to use for every Microsoft Business Application? No! Join me, as we explore the Stacey and Cynefin models that help us make judgements about which types of applications are suited to a Scrum ap...
May 16, 2019

Done! With the Power Apps Solution Checker

#29. Can you use a definition of done for a sprint? I outline six ideas for a definition of done for a user story and three ideas for a definition of done for a sprint. According to the Scrum Guide, the definition of done hel...
May 6, 2019

Shawn, Stop Estimating Effort in Days! with Shawn Tabor

#28. Shawn Tabor wants to know whether to estimate project effort in days or story points. Aren't they the same thing? I've used four ways of estimating effort in my Dynamics 365 projects: Counting cards Days T-shirts Story p...